Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The First Twelve (ish) Weeks

The first twelve (ish) weeks crammed into one post...

Nov. 3, 2012

It's happened! I'm pregnant!! Probably around 2-weeks along, but I took four pregnancy tests to be sure. This morning, the cat wouldn't let me sleep anyway so I just got up. Around this time of the month, my period usually shows up and since we've been trying I figured I'd take a test. I wasn't expecting anything. I took the test and left it lay while I started putting breakfast together. When I came back to check it... there were two lines. I think I may have stopped breathing. I ran up to the walk-in clinic to get a professional opinion. They ran a blood test, but said it was too early to tell that way. She [the doctor] said that it may just show up in my urine but not in my blood yet. Three at-home pregnancy tests later, I was convinced.  I went to Brad's work to share our good news and he seemed excited. I told my parents too, but they know to keep it quiet. I won't tell people until 12 weeks. I'm SO excited & sometimes it just hits me and I want to scream! I can't wait until it's a little bigger so I stop worrying about things like miscarriage. I need to think positive thoughts! So very thankful for this blessing.

November 11, 2012

It's been a little over a week since I found out. Apparently, I'm about 5 weeks along. I learned online that it's based off the first day of my last period. I have an appointment with a nurse on Wednesday to discuss do's/don'ts - My first OB appointment is December 20th. No symptoms yet besides fatigue and a little nausea. More of that should begin at six weeks. Per the million books I've read, my baby is about the size of a small seed and looks like a tadpole. The heart starts to form this week too. So thankful for our little miracle. 

November 25, 2012

Week seven has arrived, but let's talk about week six. I had my appointment with the nurse which went fine. They didn't even bother to do a pregnancy test which was weird to me. She just talked about foods, medicines and what will happen during my upcoming visits. Then I got a packet of the information we had discussed. I have been super nauseous basically this whole week. Thanksgiving was hell. All I could stomach was olives, stuffing, and some cranberries. I can't even look at thanksgiving food online without wanting to gag. Actually, most foods makes me gag now. If there is a dirty dish in the sink, I can't even look at it. I also can smell everything... which is really gross. I haven't thrown up and no constipation (I know, TMI) so I'm thankful for that. Week seven started yesterday. Our baby is the size of a blueberry. Oh, nauseous but thrilled! My change of miscarriage drops to 5% after this week so I can breathe a little easier. I can't wait to meet our miracle!

December 5th, 2012

Week eight! Been feeling less nauseous which is great. I still have to eat what I want to eat. For example, if I want a taco then everything besides that makes me sick to think about. The pregnancy dreams have been great. So vivid, like a movie. Except a zombie one that I had, that was actually really scary. I've been really tired and can fall asleep almost instantly. I woke up with a sore throat this morning so I've been sipping on decaf tea. My first OB appointment is coming up on the 20th and I'm getting excited. I need to go bra shopping asap because mine are almost all too small. (This is thrilling news for me as I've never loved my small chest size). Getting more and more excited!

December 19, 2012

So much has happened...

A couple weeks ago, I was having a pain on my left side that lasted over a week so I finally called my doctor. They had me come in for some lab work and an ultrasound. I got to see the baby for the first time. It looks like a little bean! Thankfully the ultrasound showed nothing was wrong. My doctor said that it could be ligaments stretching. I felt stupid going in for something when everything was fine, but I would have been more devastated if I didn't go in on time and something really was wrong. Everything since then has been fine. I got a nasty cold a week ago and am still coughing. On top of that, I think I pulled a stomach muscle from coughing so much but even that seems to be feeling better. Tomorrow is my first OB appointment and I'm thrilled! We decided against doing any genetic testing. I don't plan on getting an abortion no matter what. I hope we get to see more pictures of our miracle tomorrow. 

January 4, 2013

Happy new  year! I am 13 weeks tomorrow and thrilled to be entering my second trimester. We have been slowly telling people since Christmas. No formal announcement or anything yet. I don't know why, but I want to keep our little secret to myself for a little longer. The first OB appointment went good. We got to hear the heartbeat and it was literally magical. We had only a 50/50 chance of getting to hear it and we did! So blessed. I have been feeling much better lately. Less tired and little to no nausea. I did self-discover that my blood sugar must be low in the mornings. I had two episodes of blurry vision, ringing ears and dizziness. The next day, I started drinking a glass of apple juice in the morning and felt fine. My next OB appointment is January 18th. So thrilled and blessed, ah! 

January 9, 2013

The first week of my second trimester. My snoogle finally arrived a couple days ago. It's comfy but still hard to get used to sleeping on my side. I am getting my hair colored tonight. I wanted to wait until I was clear of the first trimester. My weight is still down. I've lost about eight pounds since I got pregnant. I eat all the time so not quite sure why I can't gain. I've been listening to lots of Shinedown - Amaryllis album. I've been craving scotcheroos so my mom made me some, but no other weird cravings. I have had some crazy dreams still but feeling pretty good all around.

Here is a picture of our little love-bug at 8-weeks.

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