Wednesday, March 6, 2013

21 Weeks

How far along are you: 21 weeks - 4 days

How big is the baby: About the size of a carrot - doc said during our last visit that he's about 12 oz. I'm actually looking quite a bit small than I have been. This picture makes me look rounder than I am. According to the ultrasound he's pretty much upside at this point and pretty low.
Baby's Gender: It's a BOY!

Baby's Name: We have chosen but aren't sharing it yet.

Weight Gained: Actually, I'm told I am down a pound since my last OB appointment. Which is strange because I eat pretty constantly. 

Clothes: All good. I still love my yoga pants best though.

How are you feeling: I'm feeling only okay this week. My back has been hurting and I've been pretty emotional with lots of non-baby related stress I've been going through.

Symptoms: Just a backache - but other than that I feel good.

Cravings: Pad Thai - I love the Vegan Zombie version and had to go to two different stores to get the ingredients but it was worth it!

How are you sleeping: Besides having to get out of my warm bed to go to the bathroom every two hours, I have been sleeping pretty well.

Disclaimer : I borrowed this lovely questionnaire from Kaycee. {}

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