Tuesday, July 9, 2013

39 Weeks

1 week to go! Saying one week sounds so surreal. I personally think I will go over my due date as most first time mothers do. Which is actually fine with me. I am uncomfortable and I do want him to be here but I think babies will come when they are ready. I feel like he has dropped because I am seriously looking slanted.  I had a doctor's appointment on Friday. The good news is I have gained back the weight that I lost when I was sick. My normal doctor was out of office so I saw another one in the practice. I felt like this doctor was in some sort of rush to get my baby out as soon as possible. She kept asking me about stripping my membranes and if I had an induction booked yet. I just felt really uncomfortable the whole time. My doctor has never even suggested rushing the situation which I love. This week I have a chiropractic appointment, a nail fill and pedicure and another OB appointment. If I don't make it to these appointments that's okay but I think I should be okay. I have random panic moments when I realize I could go into labor at any time. I think I am just  nervous about the pain and how I can handle everything and that he is healthy. I am trying to stay positive and keeping negativty of any sort out of my life!

How far along are you: 39 weeks - 3 days

How big is the baby:  Mini Watermelon (approximately 20 inches from head to heel and around 7.25 pounds!)

Baby's Gender: It's a BOY!

Baby's Name: 

Weight Gained: 26 pounds

Clothes: I don't like clothes. 

How are you feeling: I'm feeling anxious yet excited, plus some work-related stress on top of everything. Some exhaustion and uncomfortableness. Not too bad though compared to what some moms go through!

Cravings: I had a huge craving for baja battered avocado tacos which I made on Thursday and I even had extras to make some this weekend.

How are you sleeping: I love laying in bed, but hate rolling from side to side or having to get back out of bed.  I feel like an old lady saying this, but my hip HURTS! Thank goodness I am going to the chiropractor today. I am limping around the house.

My local tea shop hooked me up with some of this!

It was this guy's first birthday on July 5th!

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