Sunday, June 22, 2014

Ten Months


                                                  I'm Ten Months!

The first picture is our summer look. Plaid shorts, t-shirt, Bison Booties, and a faux hawk! He has kind of weird expression going on but that's because he kept screeching at me. I could just hear him saying "seriously, mom - we are going to be late for daycare!".

This kid loves the water! It hasn't been too nice out but he doesn't care. He's happy to climb into dog pool in full clothes and a regular diaper. 

We bought a baby swing for the backyard and he loves it. Don't mind the dirt on his face. He likes to eat it when my back is turned. 

He hasn't quite figured out walking yet but he's getting closer. He can walk next to me while holding my hand and can stand for a couple seconds until he realizes he's doing it and then grabs on to the nearest thing. 

We had a two week period of awfulness this month where he wouldn't sleep at night. He just woke up and screamed bloody murder for an hour or more. Normally he just comfort nurses back to sleep but definitely not the case at that time! I'm thinking a lot of it had to do with teething. He has 8 teeth now. EIGHT! Gah. And let me tell you, he bites with those eight teeth. He likes to bite my toes when my legs are crossed and of course he gets a good bite in there while nursing once and awhile too. 

Isabel got a haircut (by me, obviously) and I'm loving the shorter look for summer. She doesn't like to brush it ever so this is much easier for me in the mornings. She also went on a weekend camping trip with her BFF sophie and her family. They went boating and had a blast. 

Nolan killed a bird in our backyard this weekend. I couldn't figure out why the birds were being so ridiculously loud outside so I made Brad go back there and there's Nolan smacking around a dead bird on our back patio area. He then jumped in the open window and brought it in the house. Oy vey! 

We found out that my dog at my parent's house is in kidney failure so it's only a matter of time until her passing. She's 15 years old and I'm trying not to think about the future. 

Lastly, for my birthday... Brad brought me home a female cavachon puppy whom I named Hadley. We have been trying to find the "perfect fit" for a dog with no luck at all. It's hard to find one who gets a long with Kopa and who doesn't want to maul the children all the time. I'm not sure puppy is the way I wanted to go but who can say no to that cute face?!

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