Wednesday, March 27, 2013

24 Weeks

 Well, we have reached the six month mark. I'm thrilled! I actually went into the doctor last Friday because I was having a stomach pain but we still don't know what it could be. It may just be because I sit all day long and don't get up and move around enough. His heartbeat was strong though so they weren't concerned. I have my ultrasound on Thursday morning for the pictures they couldn't get at the 20 week ultrasound and then a doctor's appointment that same morning. So prayers please for good pictures and a healthy baby! We got our bassinet put together this past weekend and it looks so good in the bedroom! I found a rocking chair I want but of course it's like $1500 so that's a no-go on that. We planned our baby-moon which is just an "us" weekend in Fargo. We are going to get a nice suite and do some shopping, eating out & swimming! I need a break from my life even if it's just for a weekend :)

How far along are you: 24 weeks - 4 days

How big is the baby: Grapefruit sized

Baby's Gender: It's a BOY!

Baby's Name: We have chosen but aren't sharing it yet.

Weight Gained: I think I gained about 8 pounds now total. Most of that in the past month. I went from gaining nothing to gaining quite a bit so I feel huge.

Clothes: I may finally resign to maternity shirts soon. My closet is getting smaller everyday.

How are you feeling: Body-wise I feel really good, although I may be burning myself out with both jobs. I'm pretty crabby some days.

Symptoms: Nothing too terrible

Cravings: Nothing abnormal this week. Even Brad is surprised I haven't made him run out for something strange.

How are you sleeping: I've been sleeping okay. The bigger I get the more uncomfortable it is, and Brad likes to snore and keep me awake.

Disclaimer : I borrowed this lovely questionnaire from Kaycee. {}

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